
PhD in Hydrologic Science & Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines
MS in Geology from Idaho State University
BS in Geological and Environmental Sciences & Environmental Hydrology Minor from University of the Pacific

Professional Experience

2024 - present — Assistant Professor, University of Utah, Department of Geology & Geophysics
2023 - 2024 — Student-Contractor, U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry Science Center

University & Community Honors & Awards

2024 - 2028 - Wilkes Center Faculty Fellow
2024 - Rath Award, Colorado School of Mines; presented to the Mines doctoral graduate whose thesis demonstrates the greatest potential for societal impact
2024 - Award for outstanding contributions to teaching & the educational mission of Mines Geology & Geological Engineering
2024 - Outstanding Hydrologic Science & Engineering Ph.D. student, Colorado School of Mines
2024 - Anderson Schmidt Graduate Student Fellowship; presented to a female Mines geology student in recognition of research expertise
2023 - Outstanding Student Award; presented by the Association for Women Geoscientists: Laramide Chapter
2021 - ARCS Scholar, Colorado School of Mines (2021 – 2024)
2018 - Outstanding Student Award; presented by the Association for Women Geoscientists: San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
2018 - William Christiansen Award, Outstanding Geology & Environmental Science Senior, University of the Pacifc
2018 - College of the Pacific Award for Student-Faculty Research, University of the Pacific
2016 - Stanley G. Volbrecht Endowed Scholarship, University of the Pacific
2016 - Jerrald L. McNey Sigma Gamma Epsilon Fellowship, University of the Pacific
2015 - Delbert H. Brown Award, Promising First Year Geology & Environmental Science student, University of the Pacific

Paper & Presentation Awards

2024 - Hydrological Processes Editor’s Choice Award for Warix et al. (2024)
2023 - “Excellence in Research” award by the International Research Awards on Network Science and Graph Analytics for Aho et al. (2023) 
2023 - First place Ph.D. poster at the Colorado School of Mines Geology and Geophysics Research Fair
2023 & 2022 - Third place poster presentation at the Colorado School of Mines Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium in Earth and Resources
2020 & 2019 - First place oral presentation at the Idaho State University Graduate Research Symposium in Biological, Physical & Natural Sciences
2017 - Second place award for best student poster, GSA Hydrogeology Division’s Showcase of Undergraduate Research of Hydrogeology

Invited Talks

• Idaho State University, Geoscience Colloquium
• Stanford University, Environmental Geophysics Seminar
• USGS Water Mission Area Seminar Speaker Series, Online
• Montana State University, Land Resources & Environmental Sciences Research Seminar
• University of Utah, Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy Series
• Southern Oregon University, Environmental Science, Policy & Sustainability Research Seminar
• Colorado School of Mines, Van Tuyl Lecture
• Rocky Mountain Hydrologic Research Center Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO
• Mountain Climate Conference, Crested Butte, CO
2021 & earlier
• Dynamic Water Critical Zone Cluster, Online
• Idaho State University, Geoscience Colloquium

Grants Funded

2022 - Mann Research Grant
2021 - Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant
2019 - AAPG Travel Grant for GSA 2019
2019 - Geological Society of America Graduate Research Grant, Outstanding Mention & ExxonMobil Grant (Top 10 of 748)
2019 - Idaho State University Geslin Research Award
2018 - AAPG Travel Grant for GSA 2018
2018 - Idaho State University Travel Grant for GSA 2019
2017 - Office of Undergraduate Research Travel Grant for GSA 2017
2017 - College of the Pacific College Travel Grant for GSA 2017 
2016 - Associated Students of Pacific Travel Fund for GSA 2016 
2016 - University of the Pacific Summer Undergraduate Research Grant, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Teaching Experience

2023 - Co-developed and co-taught “Geology & Geological Engineering Field Camp: Hydrology Week”, Colorado School of Mines
2022 - Co-developed and co-taught “GIS for Hydrologists” 6-week workshop for graduate students, Colorado School of Mines
2022 - Introduction to GIS Teaching Assistant, Colorado School of Mines
2019 - Groundwater Engineering Teaching Assistant, Colorado School of Mines
2018 - Remote Sensing Teaching Assistant, Idaho State University
2018 - Volcanology Grading Assistant, Idaho State University
2019 - Guest Lecture: Introduction to Geomorphology, Idaho State University
2018 - Guest Instructor: University of the Pacific Structural Geology Field Trip

Undergraduate Mentoring

Ashton Campie, Colorado School of Mines. Determining soil cation exchange capacity with BaCl2 extractions.
Michael Jensen, Colorado School of Mines. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity in groundwater and surface water stable isotopes in a headwater catchment.
Shradha Ravikumar, Arizona State University. Connection between groundwater residence time and shallow subsurface hydraulic conductivity.
Sadie Jonson, Colorado School of Mines. Longitudinal survey of groundwater inputs and chemistry in a headwater stream.
Samantha Motz, Georgia Tech. The influence of topography on discharge and specific conductivity in the Hotel Gulch watershed in Central Colorado.
Inbar Milstein, Idaho State University. Can NDVI predict stream drying patterns?

Academic Service & Outreach

Service to the Discipline
2024 - Convener for Dynamic Water Critical Zone Graduate Student Research Symposium
2023 - Discussion Leader for Keynote Session: Training STEM Graduate Students to Work in Indigenous Communities to Co-Solve Food, Energy, and Water Security Challenges. Gordon Research Seminar, Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry, Andover NH

Solicited manuscript reviewer: Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, Geology, Hydrological Processes, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Wetlands, Applied Geochemistry, Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, Nature Scientific Reports

Session convener at AGU Fall Meeting:
2024 - “Advancements in Critical Zone Hydro-Biogeochemistry through Integration of Field Data and Models”, primary convener
2024 - “Sources, Fate, and Transport of Metals, Metalloids, and Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters, co-convener
2024 & 2023 - “Undergraduate Research in Water Quality”, co-convener

Service to Universities
2024-present - UU Geology & Geophysics, Department safety and security committee
2024-present - UU Geology & Geophysics, Department undergraduate research committee
2024-present - UU Geology & Geophysics, Department undergraduate petitions committee
2024 - Panel Member: Teaching Statement Strategies, Colorado School of Mines Library
2023 - Panel Member: Skills for Success in Graduate School, Colorado School of Mines Geology
2022-2024 - Member: Mines Hydrological Science and Engineering Club
2021-2023 - Hydrology Representative, Colorado School of Mines Graduate Student Government
2022 & 2023 - Mines Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium committee member. Planned & managed abstracts and technical support for internal graduate student conference
2022-2023 - Vice President: Mines Hydrological Science and Engineering Club
2020 - Panel Member: Geoscience Careers, University of the Pacific Geology
2018-2020 - Member: Idaho State Women and Gender Diversity in Stem Club
2018-2020 - Member: Idaho State Geology Club
2016-2018 - Treasurer: Pacific Geocentric Society
2018-2020 - President: Sigma Gamma Epsilon

Public Outreach
2024 - “All Things Considered” NPR & KUNC coverage on climate change and water quality
2023 - Guest Lecture: Groundwater in Mountains, Colorado High School Charter
2022 - Earth Explorers Outreach Volunteer
2021 - Sheldon Elementary School Science Fair: Hydrology Club Demonstration
2019 - ISU Bengal STEM Day, Geology Volunteer
2019 - Portneuf Valley Environmental Fair Volunteer, Pocatello ID
2018 - Sigma Gamma Epsilon Girl Scout Outreach Day
2014 - Science Blast & Community Blast

Graduate & Undergraduate Academic Work
2020-2024 - Research Assistant, Colorado School of Mines, Geology & Geological Engineering Dept.
2021 - Teaching Assistant, Colorado School of Mines, Geology & Geological Engineering Dept.
2018-2020 - Research Assistant, Idaho State University, Geoscience Dept.
2019 - Teaching Assistant, Idaho State University, Geoscience Dept.
2016-2019 - Hydrogeology Lab Coordinator, Pacific GESC
2016-2018 - Peer Mentor, Pacific GESC
2015-2018 - Field Trip Driver, Pacific GESC
2015-2018 - Geology Student Representative, Pacific GESC